Sunday, September 19, 2010

Slow and steady....gets the assignment done. (maybe)

So.. My group (Griffin, Eric (or Tex, whichever you'd like to call him), Nick) and I started out with 4 toys.  A baby, a drum, an electronic whoopee cushion, and two different keyboards.  Things were exciting at first...We were super happy to take stuff apart (as us sculptors usually are..)  Our first motive (mine and Griffin's...big surprise) was to try to make baby and fart noises happen together, but that didn't work, it just killed the electronic whoopee cushion.  Shortly after killing our whoopee cushion, our unconscious desire to kill things moved onto the baby, because she was the next to go.  Which was rather disappointing, I enjoyed having that baby in my studio, it creeped people out (which always makes me smile.)  So, two toys down, two to go.. (two classes in.. might I add..) The first keyboard was killed. 

So, to replace the broken keyboard, we got an I-dog ( a little plastic toy that blinks, barks, and wiggles it's head to music)...  Now, with our spree over, we still managed to keep two functioning toys, and some baby eyes that still blink.  After a couple frustrating classes and a lot of "What should we do with these freakin' toys?!" conversations.. I think we are on the right track.  We connected a potentiometer to our keyboard/i-dog creature, and it manipulates our sound really well.  Our housing needs to be re-cut, I don't think we realized how small it was going to be when it was on the computer, so that's our next task, but for now, I think we're doing okay.. and I'm finally starting to feel better about circuit bending... for a while there.. I didn't have much faith.

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